Things to Get '10... -update 03.04
Just a little list (2010 version) to keep myself on track. Items are listed from most wanted/needed to least under each category.
new frames
HP 98 black ink
plane ticket to Toronto
Hopefully sometime soon:
lighted vanity mirror
casual blazer/jacket
Jacob grey coat altered
BR skirt altered
When money starts growing on trees:
iPod Touch (32gb) love my Dino Pod. thanks hun!
lunch box (i collect metal lunch boxes)
Veronica Mars1 and 2 DVD
bronze flats
earrings i ii iii iv v
Sometimes Cupid is Stupid shirt
coin purse
Bones seasons 1-4 DVD
Hello Kitty by Mimobot USB
ice cream maker
Wall-E DVD
Band Hero ft Taylor Swift
Don't you love our addicted to consumerism? =)
new frames
Hopefully sometime soon:
lighted vanity mirror
Jacob grey coat altered
BR skirt altered
When money starts growing on trees:
lunch box (i collect metal lunch boxes)
Veronica Mars
earrings i ii iii iv v
Sometimes Cupid is Stupid shirt
coin purse
Bones seasons 1-4 DVD
Hello Kitty by Mimobot USB
ice cream maker
Wall-E DVD
Band Hero ft Taylor Swift
Don't you love our addicted to consumerism? =)
at least you know where your money's going XD......i'd be lucky to have any scraps left after tuition......
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